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Marketing 101

Over the last three months or so, it has been an exciting time as we’ve been shipping aux inputs and getting your comments and feedback. Starting from zero sales in March, we’ve grown through organic referrals from satisfied customers, and very limited marketing. Over the last two weeks, we’ve put our nose to the grindstone to figure out how to share what we make with others. Now we are on Facebook, Google AdWords, and now Bimmerfest, a premier community for the older generation BMW owners. From your feedback, we know that there are many out there that are looking for an aux input, and we want to be found by them.

As an engineer for a large company, I didn’t give much more than a passing glance to marketing. I worked on the technical aspects of the solution, and assumed that good solutions would sell themselves. It took me jumping into this entrepreneurial venture to realize that good solutions DO NOT sell themselves. If no one knows about a great solution, it’s never going to go anywhere. We’ve done our best to get our name and products in front of people, and in the first couple weeks, I have to say Facebook Ads have been just killing it. I was able to target my demographics and instantly get tons of impressions and clicks. While we are excited to sell our aux inputs, our goal is brand awareness, as we plan to do even better things in the near future to serve the BMW community.

Audio Ground Loop Noise

A common hassle for mobile audio is induced noise. When audio grounds and power grounds are combined, there is a potential for noise to be injected into the signal. Several customers have noticed a noise issue, especially while their audio source is charging. Let’s say we are using an iPhone for our audio input, and we have the headphone jack connected to the aux input, the iPhone ground is considered to be floating, and we have minimal noise. This is because the iPhone ground is connected to the stereo’s audio ground.

However, our iPhone battery is running low, so we stick our inexpensive USB car charger on the phone, and suddenly we are treated to unwanted noise. To explain this, let’s look at the car charger first. It is likely using a switched voltage regulator to step down the 12 volts from your car to the 5 volts for the USB charger. A typical switching voltage regulator such as the MC34063 is inexpensive, but because of the low switching frequency requires the use of relatively expensive capacitors and inductors. Since the designer of the car charger didn’t know the exact amount of power that your iPhone might take from the charger, they made calculated tradeoffs with the values of components used. And since this charger only costs $1 at Target or Walmart, only the cheapest suitable components are used. The end result is that most USB car chargers are noisy devices, both in the electrical signal as well as unwanted RF interference.

To top that off, there is some level of resistance in the car charger wiring, and current is flowing through this wiring to your phone. This resistance means that the ground potential on your charger is not exactly the same as the audio ground potential, which means that current will flow through your audio ground, causing this noise issue you hate.

The solution to this problem is an audio filter, which uses transformers to pass only the differential audio signal to your stereo, rather than trying to maintain a common ground. Consider as well running power/USB cables away from your audio lines. I also ensure that my source volume is high without causing signal distortion, as the signal to noise ratio is higher, requiring less amplification. This will reduce the amount of noise amplified through your stereo.

Panelizing PCB Stencils

Last year I learned how to build PCBs, and I sweated when I first released my first board (a prototype bluetooth adapter) to production. After spending quite a few sleepless nights inspecting every signal and the routing, I finally had to call it good enough, and send it out to the board house. For the first PCB design, it was individually cut as it was a prototype. When I got the board back, I quickly noticed that I had reversed a couple pins, and it was easily solved with a jumper wire. It goes to show that there’s always going to be some mistakes that slip through, but experience helped me get better. I recently released the Aux Input for production, and it is for sale right now. With this production based board, I knew I wanted to panelize the board, as this would be an efficient way to build the boards. I didn’t know how, so I sent the Gerber files for the individual board to RushPCB.com, and they did a great job panelizing everything, even scoring the boards so they could be easily separated after production. Up to this point, I have been assembling one board at a time, as I didn’t have a solder stencil. I made an individual one with some plastic and an X-acto knife, but this was rather time consuming. After spending a day producing the boards one at at time, I finally had it. I was going to get a stencil which would allow me to do the whole panel at once. However, I only had the CAD files for the individual board, and the stencil manufacturer needed the panelized CAD file. There are several complex tools available that could convert the individual board to a panelized version, but I couldn’t find a single script that could take the simple data from the Gerber file and panelize it. So I made my own simple Python script, and offer it to you if you need something like this. I haven’t tested it on anything more than the solder stencil, so edit away.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Sam Marmon – Quidzel 2014
# Use/modify freely

# Open the individual board, replace board.gtp with filename of your board
file = open(“board.gtp”, “r”)

# Open the panelized board
file2 = open(“panelized.gtp”, “w”)

# Input the pitch of each board
# for example, my board is 1.2″ x .42″
hspace = 120000
vspace = 42000

# Enter the # rows and columns of the
# panelized copies
rows = 2
columns = 2

# Scroll through the Gerber CAD file
for line in file:

# Pad locations seem to start with ‘X’
if line.startswith(‘X’):

# copy the line, and replace the letters with spaces
line2 = line.replace(“Y”, ” “)
line2 = line2.replace(“X”, “”)
line2 = line2.replace(“D”, ” “)

# Split the lines
line3 = line2.split()

# Convert the data points to integers
X = int(line3[0])
Y = int(line3[1])

# Now make copies of the data points
for xnum in range(0,columns):
for ynum in range(0,rows):

# Write out the correct format


# Just write the existing data from the original file

# Close the files

Product Development

Over the last couple years, I’ve been working in my garage putting together gadgets that would play with my car. About a year ago, I had kind of an ‘aha’ moment, when an interface I had designed in hardware and software started working with my car. I looked at it and realized there were others that could use something like this, and over the last year, I’ve been putting together a business around bringing some new options of getting stuff to connect to our cars. As an engineer, I can program and design hardware, but what I’ve really had to learn is the business side of it. We launched about 3 weeks ago, and I posted on one of the forums about my product. I got quite a bit of good feedback and response, and made my first few sales.
Then I had to figure out payment and shipping, and today, I’m learning about retail packaging design. My apologies to my first customers that don’t have the cool packaging, and very basic cables and wiring. While I know the substance of the Aux Input is there and won’t change, my marketing is going to improve. I’m going to figure out Ad Words, SEO, and present a cleaner website to my customers. And I know I’ll need to get help, as I’m not an expert in all these areas. Right now, I’m trying to do everything and I think it is a good idea to know something about all aspects of this business, but I’m looking forward to getting the Aux Input ‘done’ from a production flow system standpoint, hand it off to people who know how to do this better than I can, and move on to other related product ideas that deserve my time and attention.

retail box

Follow your dreams. We need the great things that only you can create!

There’s only so much time you can put off following your dreams and passions. For me, that was about 10 years. Since college, I’ve worked in the aerospace sector, and I would say I’ve had a successful and enjoyable career doing it. But I love tinkering on cars a little too much. When I was 21, I had a ’92 Nissan Maxima SE 5 speed, and loved that car. For what it was at the time, it was a pretty quick car. I got it to do a 1/4 mile in 14.8 seconds, which wasn’t bad for a front wheel drive family sedan at the time. But I wanted more, and so I welded up a turbo to the exhaust manifold. While I never got it tuned right, it was a lot of fun, and I’m very proud of that project. After that car, I went off to college, got a good engineering degree, then a great career. I was always under the mistaken impression that my career would be the provision to do the things I really wanted to do when I wasn’t working, like work on cars, help others, go to Africa, etc! But I met this girl (who became my wife) who just loved her career, and I realized then that I was missing out on something. While I did enjoy engineering, I didn’t enjoy the bureaucracy that came with working for a large company. I was an adequate employee, but I knew that I was faking the passion a bit. You try to be enthusiastic about the directions or projects that the company gives you, because after all, they are paying your wages, but I wasn’t completely resonating with it.

Watching Steve Job’s commencement speech to Stanford in 2005, he made it clear that I should absolutely find what I love to do. Not that my career wasn’t enjoyable, but that I should do what I love, and find out a way to make it pay for itself. Given that I’ve only got one life to live, I have purposed to make each day count more.
So with that, I have taken the big step of quitting my great job to work without a net. Last Friday was hopefully my last day working as an employee, and now I’ll learn how to build a business of my own. I expect to fail often, but hopefully learn just as often and get myself back up. I know I have value to add to people’s lives, and some great ideas to share with others. I’m full time here, focusing on perfecting some great stuff for our cars.
I’d encourage you to follow your dreams whereever they lead. God has put things in your heart that you’ve always wanted to do, and don’t wait while life goes by. Take action! Take a step of faith, and see if your dreams start to become reality. Get inspirations and don’t focus on negative things. I haven’t made a cent yet, but I can tell you that my first three days working on this business have been the most life giving days. I’m so excited about what I do in a way that I haven’t felt for a long time, and I know that success will follow. I wish you great success in all that you do as well!

Drive your car to 300K miles

Today I was driving my mother-in-law’s car home from seeing my niece. It has seen its share of Chicago winters and probably hasn’t been maintained the best, so after 12 years or so, this Honda Civic is nearly ready to be retired. Yet this Honda has less than half the miles of my trusty ’99 323i with 284K on it. Now I’ve been very interested in getting a newer car myself, but I find when I take proper care of, and especially when I clean my car, my affections for this old car grow, and the sparkle of a new car slightly fades.
According to Edmunds.com, the average age of the cars on the road today in America is over 11 years old. We can thank better engineering and manufacturing processes that are keeping our cars going for longer. The truth I’ve found for myself is that by taking proper care of your car, and especially taking the time to keep it clean, you’ll truly enjoy driving your older car even longer. The history you’ve developed washing the car, and doing proper maintenance and repairs, will give you a warm feeling as the miles continue to roll under your wheels. Get out there and wash your car people! It’s a whole lot cheaper than buying a new car!
Just yesterday, I finally spent some quality time with my car, replacing a leaky valve cover, squeaky idler pulley, and the power steering fluid reservior/filter. I also noticed that my sway bar end links have seen better days, and may be contributing to a clunk over bumps. I also replaced the VANOS piston seals, and while they seemed hardened with age, I didn’t notice any performance improvement as some others have seen.

Starting a Business

Over the last year, I have been working a full time job while also working on Quidzel on the side. I am so excited about the possibilities of Quidzel, and I have been inspired by the stories of other entrepreneurs as I’ve listened to entrepreneueronfire.com. I’m in the stage of a wantreprenuer, where I am blessed to have a great well paid full time job, but yet my passions tend towards the possibility of working on this business.
There’s so much I do not know yet. However, I am really close to releasing the Aux In, and I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to offer a version that will work with older 30 pin iPods soon as well. The Aux in will meet a lot of needs, as I see so many people looking for something similar. I hope to create value for others first, and if I’m able to help others out, I think I can succeed in business as well. I am also excited about having the bluetooth adapter done as well. Within a few weeks, I should be starting to sell these online. In selling a product, espsecially one like this, I’ll have to educate people on how to install it, and likely have to learn to produce video tutorials that I can put on youtube. So much to do, and such an exciting time ahead!

Bluetooth in the News

Today our lives are tied tightly to our smartphones. All of our media, contacts, etc. are contained here. Given this, it is more important than ever that our cars are able to seamlessly connect to these devices. Bluetooth has become the standard which enables us to interact with our phones on the road, and while most newer cars offer great options, the average age of the cars on the road is over 10 years old. We hope to create inexpensive retrofit kits that enable these older cars with Bluetooth technology simply and effectively.

Introducing Me

Hi! I’m Sam. I’m a BMW afficionado. During college, the mighty e39 M5 was my desktop wallpaper, and I dreamed that one day I could drive such a car. After college, I bought my first BMW, a ’97 528i. Two years later, an ’01 530i sport found its way into my garage, and I discovered the BMW ULF, a primitive Bluetooth kit that BMW offered starting in about 2003. By plugging this module into the back of the car and adding an antenna, microphone, etc, I could have bluetooth calling using my steering wheel buttons and existing stereo. It was rudimentary, and the call qualtiy was never great, but I was impressed that you could spend $500 to get something that was built in and took advantage of what was already in the car. I’ve tried FM modulators, bluetooth speakers and other aftermarket accessories, but none really work that great. Short of installing an aftermarket stereo, it is hard to get bluetooth built into your ~1997-2005 BMW.

Eventually, I was able to buy that M5. I got a beautiful jet black ’02, and loved it. To keep a car like that in good shape, maintenance is sort of heavy, and you only want to put the best into it. After I got married, my priorities shifted, and we decided to sell the M5. I still had an itch to drive a BMW, and in the M5’s place came a little ’99 323i with tons of miles that continues to treat me real well. I have 282K on it, and plan on driving it to 300K if it keeps on running as well as it does today.

Well the Bluetooth ULF I had left with the M5, and I missed having those features. As an electrical engineer by trade, I started working on building my own bluetooth adapter. I found out these don’t have to be expensive and over the last 5 months or so, I’ve been developing a bluetooth adapter that I’d like to share with you. This will offer basic calling and A2DP streaming functions, be easy to install, and be affordable. Since I have my day job keeping me busy full time, we are hoping to start selling these in early 2014. Along with that, I’ve also built an Aux In adapter for earlier BMWs that don’t support Aux In. With God’s favor, I hope to offer these to other makes and models soon as well.